Stanley D. Tylman Research Program
Responsibilities for Research Completion and ReportingThe Academy requires thorough execution and reporting of research for which it provides support. The conditions outlined below apply to Tylman Research Grant recipients. Instances of non-compliance with grant guidelines and obligations by a program will jeopardize the eligibility of that program to receive a Tylman Grant or Award for three years starting from the year of non-compliance. Tylman Grant Policies:1. The program director is required to commit adequate supervisory expertise, staff support, facilities and equipment, time, and other support necessary to ensure successful completion of the proposed research.
2. The student applicant and the program director share responsibility for the execution of each research project. If the proposed research is not completed, the institution must reimburse grant funds to the Academy.
3. The student must provide the Chairman of the Tylman Research Committee with periodic reports of research progress, at intervals specified by the Tylman Committee (see below) using a form provided by the Committee. Reports will include expenditures made as of the date of the report, a summary of what has been completed in the research protocol, and a schedule for completion of the research and manuscript. 4. Upon completion of the research, the student must provide to the Chairman of the Tylman Research Committee: a. A manuscript that is appropriate for submission to The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. The researcher should also submit his/her manuscript to The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry for review and potential publication. b. A statement of actual expenditures from the grant using a form provided by the Tylman Committee. 5. For first year students, interim reports are due one year after the grants are awarded and final reports are due on August 1 in the second calendar year following the awarding of funds (approximately 26 months). For second-year students, interim reports are due on January 1 of the following year and final reports are due on August 1 in the first calendar year following the awarding of funds (approximately 14 months). 6. To be eligible to receive a Tylman Award, grant recipients are expected to submit their manuscripts (research reports) to The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and forward confirmation of such (i.e. emails from JPD editorial office) to the Chair of the Tylman Research Committee by August 1 of the year of completion. If the Chair of the Tylman Research Committee does not receive confirmation by August 1 (no later than September 1 in case of extension, regardless of length of extension), the candidate will be disqualified from receiving a Tylman Award. The grant recipients who receive extension due to any unexpected technical issues (other than medical or family emergency) are ineligible in the Tylman Award competition. 7. Winners of the Tylman Research Awards for the most outstanding manuscript are expected to present their research reports (posters) to the Academy membership at its next Annual Session as guests of the Academy. 8. Publications or presentations resulting from research supported by a Tylman Grant must include a footnote acknowledging the financial support of a Tylman Research Grant from the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. The student researcher must be the principal author of all such publications or presentations. For a full description of policies, view or download the Grant Application Packet.