GEORGE H. MOULTON OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD IN THE ART AND SCIENCE OF FIXED PROSTHODONTICSDr. James (Bryan) McLoughlin, CHAIR, GEORGE H. MOULTON AWARD COMMITTEE 2023The George H. Moulton Award recognizes an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to the art and science of fixed prosthodontics. The 2023 recipient was: Dr. Jack LipkinPast Moulton Award Recipients2022 Not awarded
2021 Not awarded
2020 William W. Nagy
2019 Jane Brewer
2018 J. Robert Kelly
2017 Martin Land
2016 Carl F. Driscoll
2015 John Agar
2014 Stephen Rosenstiel
2013 Jesse T. Bullard
2012 Denny M. Smith
2011 Bill B. Lefler
2010 Harold Litvak 2009 Steven A. Aquilino 2008 Don G. Garver 2007 Steven D. Campbell 2006 Kenneth A. Malament 2005 Charles J. Goodacre 2004 Ronald D. Woody 2003 Maurice H. Martel 2002 Robert S. Staffanou 2001 Ralph Yuodelis 2000 Lloyd L. Miller 1999 No Award Given 1998 Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr. 1997 Roland W. Dykema 1996 Sammuel E. Guyer 1995 Everitt V. Payne 1994 Robert J. Nelsen 1993 Ernest B. Nuttall & Max Kornfeld 1992 George H. Moulton
Award DescriptionThe Moulton Award recognizes members who have made a significant impact and contribution to the art and science of fixed prosthodontics and have demonstrated lifetime service to the field. This prestigious award is the highest honor bestowed by the Academy. Recipients are nominated by members and chosen by a standing committee of the Academy. The award is named for Dr. George H. Moulton (pictured right, 1958), one of the visionary founders of the Academy, its first secretary and sixth president, and the first recipient of this award. |